Saturday, March 19, 2016

Two Halves Make a Whole

Hello Everyone,
The needles have been flying under the pines at Wilder's Last Resort this week. I have been so busy working on my two large quilts for Spring Quilt Market, that I've fallen behind on the block of the month for In Between Stitches.  So sister to the rescue to pitch in and help for a couple of days.

Gail came up to the cabin and made 12 blocks for the Lil' Orphan Scrappy quilt.  I wanted to play "Stump the Chump" and gave her blocks to make that had a ton of directional fabrics.  I'm such a nice sister!  Now there are 56 blocks finished out of the 76 blocks that need to be made for the BOM.

Gail here...Sweat Shop Central has reopened at the cabin for a brief 2 days.  Yes, about those directional fabrics...Lynn gave me 3 in the first block!  She swore she didn't do it on purpose but I think it was a test after my 3 hour drive!  I'll have you know, I passed with flying colors!  I had a new task added to my duties this time walking.  I'm not so sure that's in my job description but being a huge Mazey fan, I did not complain.  I braved the early morning hours, before daylight, to walk Mazey.  Fortunately, I did not think about the possibility of bears until after I returned!  Well, it's time to pack up and hit the road.  Stay tuned to more episodes of Sweat Shop Central and Thelma and Louise.

Lynn here......In my defense, I waited until it was light enough for Gail to be able to see the bears before I sent her out with Mazey. 

While Gail worked on Lil' Orphan Scrappy, I worked on Heritage.  The week began with the quilt looking like this, give or take a few stray blocks.  I pretty much stayed at the machine from dawn to dusk and finished making all the blocks.

Since I really didn't have to worry about color placement, I sewed the blocks together after each one was completed.  I didn't have that huge job left at the end of stitching 85 blocks together along with their setting squares.  Now that was a relief! 

I finished it early evening while there was enough light left outside to get a picture of it on the railing.  It is such a relief to have it this far along.  I just have the corner blocks to make, then I'll add the double border.  I'm going to be spending a lot of time standing at my Handi Quilter over the next few weeks.....once I decide how I'm going to quilt it.

My goal is to have both quilts finished by the end of April.  That is doable unless I get selected for jury duty!  What is it with the Wilder family getting summons for jury duty this year?  First my husband in January for Federal Court jury duty, then my daughter for Superior Court jury duty, and now me for Superior Court jury duty. Let me just say that the plight of citizens appearing in court should not be in the hands of the Wilder family!
I don't sit and sew all day.......I take occasional walks down the street and down to the lake.  You can see the toll the pine beetle is taking on the pine trees. The trees are so stressed from four years of drought, they are easy pickens for the beetles. Once the tree starts to yellow, the tree is dead within three days.  The pines look like they have been in a forest fire.  All of these trees will have to be removed.....soon.  Every time we drive up to the cabin, we breathe a sigh of relief when we see our healthy trees.  I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before our little haven is attacked by the beetles, and we'll be faced with thousands of dollars in tree removal.  Fingers crossed our trees are healthy enough to withstand an attack.
We are headed for home today.  It's time to watch all of the little Wilders play ball!  The first game is at 2:30, followed by a 4 o'clock game, finishing off the day with a 7pm game under the lights.  These cheeks will be warming the pines (as in bleachers).....and I don't mean the cheeks on my face!


  1. I love the Heritage quilt - it is the colorway and the movement of the color with the log cabin blocks. I need to do this one later in the year!!! Good work Lynn - and Gail.

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Heritage Quilt!! DDG!! I love everything about this quilt!! I don't you think I like it? haha

  3. Hiya Cheeky! Heritage is splendiferous! Love, love, love, love, LOVE!!!!! We saw beetle damage like that driving through the Wallowas between Joseph and Halfway...miraculously, new young trees were flourishing 2 years later and it didn't look like the same forest!
    We were trying to figure out how to crash Spring Quilt Market this morning, just so we could drive down to see you!

  4. Your quilt is so gorgeous! Between the two of you, you sure sewed up a storm! Talk about a success story...when you two get together, anything is possible!

  5. First off, I commend your sister for getting you out of a tight spot and for dealing with the directional fabrics. If it had been me I would have switched one tiny piece before I did the final sewing just to see if you noticed. I would have been trying to make you a just a little crazy. That's what sisters are for, right? Hope you had her favorite candy on hand or made her a great meal.

    I am so enthralled with Heritage. I did Country Charmer and it's my all time favorite but Heritage has got to be the runner up. It is stunning! Rina

  6. Heritage is SO beautiful - I'm really looking forward to seeing the borders on it. Fingers crossed that you are able to skip jury duty...

  7. Heritage is AMAZING Lynn !!!! What team work to get this quilt close to a finish.
    We had a dead pine tree from Beetles and PGE took it down for free for us because it was close to their power lines .

  8. Hey, Gail. If I'd been there, I would have reminded you about the bears.

    Heritage is just gorgeous. Lynn you are so lucky to have a sister like Gail who keeps coming to help you out of the deep holes. xx

  9. Lynn, your Heritage quilt is stunning! And Gail, glad the bears weren't out to check you out!! ;-) Hope all goes well in finishing up your quilts. Hugs, H


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