Saturday, June 27, 2020

Crossing the Pond Journey

Hello Everyone,

Here's just a little teaser to show you a block from Crossing the Pond which I exported from the project in EQ8.

Here's that same block with the sashing added in EQ.  I've been in my sewing room making lots of quilting components and laying them on a block layout sheet.  This block contains 2 sizes of half square triangles, and Flying Geese.  Once I get a lot of components made and trimmed,  I sit back and play with the components to see what looks the best together.  Once I'm satisfied with my color combinations and placement, I'll stitch the block together.   The representation of the block in EQ, is a good indication of what the final block will look like.  Once I get it sewn together, I will show them side by side.

I have piles of components sitting on my cutting table.  The ceiling fan is right above the table.....needless to say, the components sometimes go sailing off the table onto the floor.

I'm working on the pattern writing a minimum of an hour a day so I don't have a huge, daunting chore upon completion of the quilt.

On a serious note, I cancelled my Sew'n Wild Oaks quilting retreat scheduled for August.  Snowflake Lodge hasn't been able to reopen yet, and they don't know when they will.  The Lodge was unable to accommodate my large group, and maintain the social distancing requirements mandated by the state.  I will miss seeing all of "my girls".  After I sent out the email, I received several calls and heartfelt responses about what the retreat means to them.

My October retreat is still hanging in the balance due to the spike of cases in California.  I guess we were all feeling a bit complacent about the virus.  We all want this virus to be in our rearview mirror, but it's not going to get there if we don't remain vigilant. 

I'll just sit in my sewing room and maintain my social distancing from everyone except Mazey and Mr. Joe.  I wish someone would inform the bears about distancing themselves!



  1. Love the sashing around the new block! It reminds me of one of my old quilt favorites named Burgoyne Surrounded... on steroids.
    Keeping my fingers crossed for October, until then stay healthy and safe. Sharon McD

    1. I have you and both of your girls on the October list Sharon. The decision will be made the end of August. So much could change between now and then. You all stay well too.

  2. Sincerely love your block and the fabric from Judie is great!

    1. I'm so glad you like it! The fabrics really make the block sing.

  3. J'adore ton bloc et, comme je te l'ai déjà écrit, j'aime beaucoup les tissus que tu choisis.
    J'aimerais savoir de quel livre vient ton bloc.
    Si je peux me fournir en passant par une société établie en Europe cela m'intéresse plus car ici en Belgique les frais de port (et parfois de douane) sont assez élevés.
    Je te remercie déjà de ce que tu me diras.
    Bon dimanche

    1. Chère Monique,
      Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire. S’il vous plaît envoyez-moi votre e-mail, afin que je puisse répondre en privé à vous au sujet d’obtenir les directions. Mon e-mail est: Restez bien, Lynn

  4. Can't wait to see more. Sorry to hear about your retreat cancellation. But you are right the virus is still with us.

    1. It was the right thing to do about the retreat. The cases just keep going up, even here in my little corner of the world.


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