Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Ramblings From My House

Hello Everyone,

Not much new to report on the quilting front.  I was busy teaching and preparing for Easter last week, so my quilting was put to the side.  But, I did quit a bit of baking for the 16 people that were going to be at our table for Easter brunch.

In honor of our granddaughter's pig that she is raising for FFA, I made a batch of pigs in a blanket.  In this case I guess I would call it a pig in a pig.  I just used thawed dinner rolls and formed them around a small piece of cooked sausage. The pigs look like they are having nasal surgery.....no worries....they were fine.  I had to plug up their noses so they couldn't smell their peppercorn eyes. (It's early here folks and I haven't had enough coffee yet!)

After baking at 375 degrees for 20 minutes, they came out of the oven looking like blowfish.  It's the thought that counts, right?

Most people take their dogs for a walk.  Harleigh takes her pig, Kevin, for a walk. 

I also made some fruit tarts.  I bought prepared pie crust, (the first time in my life I haven't made my own).  I cut out two sizes from a flower-shaped cookie cutter. Dusted the bottoms with flour and inverted them on the back side of cupcake pans.

  I thoroughly poked them with a fork.

Watched them like a hawk while they baked at 450 degrees for 9 minutes and they still got a little scorched.

I filled the with fresh strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and bananas in a strawberry glaze.  The were actually very easy and looked pretty too.

Before all of this cooking began, I gave my machine quilting room a thorough house cleaning.  The room was beginning to look like a junk drawer.  Everything for my booth, patterns, props, etc. started to fill in, around, and on top of my Handi Quilter.  I didn't take a "before" picture because you wouldn't think very highly of me if you saw my mess!  I'll just show you the after photos.
Mr. Joe put the wonderful cubbies together for me to store all of my patterns and books.  To get the assembled cubbies on the counter, we had to take everything out from under the machine and slide them under, then up lift them up on the counter.  They are heavy!  Mr. Joe's pinched nerve in his neck only lasted a few days.
The cubbies sit on a 10' long counter with lateral file cabinets underneath.  It is a great work surface for me when I fill pattern orders.  I can also see at a glance what I need to have printed.

Today is quilting day!  Yippee!!!  Tomorrow is potential jury duty day.....BOOOO!!  I have served on a murder trial, and an armed robbery trial in the past.  I think I've fulfilled my obligation to the court system.  The facts from the murder trial still haunt me. 

I will try to think happy thoughts and quilt the day away until baseball tonight. I got the inside scoop from the assistant coach (our son), that Jess is pitching one inning, and catching another inning.  He's going to be one busy little guy.

Play ball!


  1. Great job on your quilting room...Enjoy your quilting today!!!
    And those tarts look wonderful....

  2. Love your pastry pigs! Just too cute. It looks like you are just as amazing as a bakery chef as a quilter (my mouth is watering!). I must say, Harleigh's "Kevin" is a handsome fellow.

  3. Hope Mr. Joe got an extra tart or two for pinching his nerve ;>) Having seen your quilting room - I think it looks fantastic! I think your pigs in a blanket look remarkably like Kevin - who is adorable as well as is Harleigh! Mr. Squash says he thinks she will get Grand Champion and Jess is on his way to the All Stars!

  4. Lynn - it all looks wonderful. You two kids have been very busy, building, baking, cheering, and quilting. You really need to write a book when you slow down. Your blogs are too funny. Love to you all... When is the judging for Kevin?

  5. What a cool idea to cook the tart crusts on the backs of muffin tins! They looked great! Congratulations on the progress in your quilting room.

  6. I think your little blow fish, err, I mean piggy's are cute!! They are just extra chubby, thus very desirebale pigs!! You are so busy: you make me tired!! Good luck with the jury duty: hopefully they won't need you!!! hugs, H

  7. I always enjoy your post's and today was no exception.

  8. Kevin is a handsome little fellow, isn't he and his dough-boy relatives are cute too. And your treats look delish. Fingers crossed that somehow you manage to get out of jury duty.

  9. I think your pigs in a pig are adorable! And those strawberry tarts?! What a good idea! Such a little Betty Crocker, you are! Oh, and I love your new pattern cubbies - they are just perfect. Glad Mr. Joe has healed up!

  10. Those are just to cutest pigs and those tarts you yummy ! Both great ideas :-D

    I love how organized your quilting room is.

    Wishing you luck on jury duty tomorrow

  11. Your little Piggies look great and so do the fruit tarts. Now, I need to borrow Mr Joe for a while to come and make me some clever storage, if you don't mind? xx


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