Friday, April 1, 2016

Let The Quilting Begin!

Hello Everyone,
I dodged the Jury Duty bullet and I've been quilting!!  I put Heritage out on the kitchen table so I could stare at it for awhile and try to decide how I am going to quilt it.

Late Tuesday night after baseball, I cut one of the border pieces incorrectly.  I was sick about it, because it made me "short" of fabric.  I should know by now not to quilt late at night.  Especially not to cut out fabric into the wee hours. Just one little error, and the Heritage train came to a complete and utter stop.  I put the whole quilt to bed, along with myself.

I woke up the next morning feeling pretty stupid especially when I had to send an S.O.S. to my contact at Marcus Fabrics requesting a tiny piece of fabric.  I actually cringed while I was writing the email.

Now I'm going to backtrack.  My sister Gail gave me a subscription to Daily Word which I keep by my computer and read the short, inspirational messages everyday.  Wednesday morning, the word of the day was Perspective. In a nutshell, the message said to look at the same situation with new eyes.  I went downstairs, re-measured my remaining border fabric, and figured it out.  Borders done!

My friend, and fabulous machine quilter, Laura Zmak, gave me a plastic tablecloth to lay over my quilt so I could practice drawing a quilting design with a removable marking pen.  Wish me luck quilting this entire quilt entirely using free motion.  I will do some ruler work, but the majority of the time I will be "driving" my Handi Quilter across this quilt.  It is loaded on the machine and ready to go.  I'll be posting updates over the next week of my quilting progress.

We will be taking pre-orders for Heritage kits.  The kits will include the exact fabrics you see here.  If you are interested, contact In Between Stitches by clicking HERE and get your name on the list.  The kits will run around $200.  The quilt finishes at 93" x 93", just perfect for a queen bed.

If you buy it today, I will machine quilt it for FREE!!!  NOT!


  1. Love the quilt - Understand your pain! But you will have a beautiful quilt! Lesson learned - quilting cut off time is 10PM LOL!

  2. Looking great, Lynn! Love those borders! Glad to hear "The Daily Word" helped. To your readers, that magazine sat at the corner of our breakfast bar when we were growing up. Our parents both read it religiously every day. I doubt that I read it back then but our parents would be so pleased to know that Lynn and I both read it now and always take away a valuable message every day!

  3. I am a firm believer that everything works out after stepping away for the night or even an hour! And the Daily Word was a blessing in disguise! Way to go, Gail!

  4. It's beautiful Lynn!! And the quilting that you have planned is going to make it amazing!! Wishing you speed on your quilting!! Hugs, H

  5. Ha ha. I thought woww, what a great offer about the quilting - should have known that offer was too good to be true! xx

  6. I love the quilt, to bad it is not in my bedroom colors. I tip of using a table cloth protector is brilliant. I will have to get one asp. Can't wait to see how you quilt it.

  7. Just beautiful - can't wait to see your quilting progress. Are you done yet!? I feel your pain on late night quilting - sometimes it is just better to put down the rotary cutter!

  8. I love Heritage quilt. What's a great idea to use the plastic tablecloth to draw the quilting desing. I can't wait to see it done.

  9. I’d like to know how to get just the pattern please.


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