Saturday, April 30, 2016

Spring Time in the Pines Quilt Show

Hello Everyone,

We did it!  Our booth is all set up and ready for visitors.

This is how we looked at 12:30pm Friday.  By 3pm we were set and ready to go.

First, all of the quilt stands and quilts go up.

That takes us the most time.  They only toppled over once.

We have our routine down.  I place the product and Gail (Ethel) gets the patterns placed in the rounder.  She also tags all the quilts with their name tags.

I love my lanterns.

My booth is so cozy, customers don't want to leave.

I love seeing all of my quilts together in one place.  I didn't bring the new quilts for Spring Market......just in case.  If I lost them now, I would turn into a pile of putty on the floor!


Our next challenge is working the new cash register.  Lucy and Ethel aren't the sharpest tacks in the box when it comes to the register.  We just had another crash course with the manual.  All went well so maybe, just maybe we'll balance at the end of the day.  (Ethel is a former accountant so it had better balance to the penny!)



  1. I would be one of those folks who wouldn't leave. You'd have to just give me a job, I guess. Lovely booth, and I hope you have a productive event - balanced out and everything!

  2. Wow! Your booth is just amazing....I love all the quilts! You will have so many people come and visit, and stay. Have a wonderful show and sell lots. Wish I was there....

  3. So absolutely beautiful warm and inviting !!

  4. I love your booth and I just wish I could be there to see it in person. You guy really, really did a beautiful job on it!

  5. Looks to me like Lucy and Ethel have a system..,and hopefully it involves lots of cookies for Ethel so she doesn't have to dip her fingers in that new till! I wouldn't ge surprised if you go home with empty cars...your booth will be mobbed with shoppers filling their bags!

  6. Here they come...warmin' up!
    I hear the pitter-patter of happy quilters headin' your way!!! Have fun ladies!!

  7. Ohhh!!! I really love your booth, Linn. I wouldn't leave neither. Hope you have very good sales. Good luck.

  8. Your booth looks amazing, I wouldn't want to leave either. All of your quilts look so good. You make a good team and I think Lucy and Ethel will do fine with the cash register. :)

  9. WOW!! Is it possible to have too much goodness in one booth!! You come close...very, very close! Love it all!

  10. Your booth looks fantastic.I could do some real damage there...damage to my bank account that is.

  11. Absolutely adore your booth. Yes, so cosy! Hope you and Ethel have a great day!

  12. So wonderful to see you at the quilt show today and share my Country Charmer quilt with you to see :-D
    Your booth was amazing and it was so nice to see Gail again . Welcome to Grass Valley and hope to see you again next year !

  13. Beautiful! I wish I could go...

  14. I am sure it is a lot of work, but so worth it to see all your gorgeous quilts displayed so beautifully!

  15. I spy my favorite quilt, Lil orphan scrappy! Beautiful booth Lynn! You're a pro now! Hope it went well.

  16. What a happy quilty world you live in, Lynn :-)


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