Friday, April 15, 2016

My Varied Week

Hello Everyone,

I haven't been gone, just busy teaching, working at the shop, and making hanging sleeves, doing more binding, and making memories with the grand kids on the baseball diamond and the track field.

First of all, let me say thank you to the wonderful ladies who took my Patchwork Math class last weekend.  I have to stop calling it Patchwork Math and switch to Finessing the Figures, much more refined and not as scary.

The girls learned a lot and went home with piles of little quilting components to make blocks.  Here's a collage of some of their work.

Two of the girls worked together and made a ton of units.  One of them cut, one of them sewed.  They picked the fabric combinations out together.  Thank you all for working so hard, and for being so sweet.
Tuesday was my Sew'n Wild Oaks class.  Diana choose to work on the little stocking for Toyland Tree.  Isn't this little guy going to be cute!

Judy is almost finished with her blocks for Grammy Squares. If I recall correctly, I think she has only eight more to make.

Gail made four blocks for her Lil' Orphan Scrappy quilt.  The fussy cut centers just make this quilt.

Suzanne has prepared tons of yo-yo's for her Kim Diehl quilt.  They are so much fun to make, especially when watching TV.

Barbara had some baskets left over from her basket quilt, so she sewed them together and made a nice tablerunner.  It is all quilted, bound, and ready for her table.

Now we have the Kim Diehl, Walk in the Park parade of quilts and quilt blocks.  This pattern is a free download from Henry Glass Fabrics HERE. This is on of the projects I introduced in my quarterly "Let's Make a Diehl Class" at In Between Stitches quilt shop.
Suzanne super-sized her quilt, fit for a queen bed.  She drew from her stash of beautiful Kim Diehl fabrics.

We had Walk in the Park blocks decorating every wall.

Jeanne got all of her blocks sewn together during class for her quilt.  She was very focused and determined to get this part of the quilt completed.

Row by row, the girls are getting their blocks together.

I worked on my version of the quilt.  I wanted the applique to cover more of each corner, so I extended and changed the original design.  I can never leave well enough alone!  My corner isn't complete yet, but it will be soon.

On Wednesday, I had my 3 minute talk at Northern California Quilt Council (NCQC).  It is a meeting of quilt guilds from all over Northern California.  Thirty prospective teachers are drawn by lottery, and allowed 3 minutes to talk about their guild lecture and workshop.  Do you know how quickly 3 minutes fly by?  After everyone speaks, you stand at your table and chat with the guild members about your expertise and hand out information. The projects/techniques and lectures were so varied, from handbags to landscape quilts, to ultra modern, to super simple finish in a day projects, to quilting tools and how to use them.  It was amazing to see how quilting has evolved.  I was one of the few traditional quilters in the room.  My "thing"  is teaching basic quilting math.  I received quite a bit of interest from guilds, yet I always hear the words, "I hate math" as people walked right on by my table.  Then there were other guild members who jumped at the chance to have me offer a workshop about quilting math.

To make a long story short.....I will always stick with my style of quilting.  You will never finish one of my quilts in a day.  My quilts are a process, and you will learn a lot along your journey while making one of my patterns.  In some cases you will have an heirloom to pass on from generation to generation. 

It has been a varied and interesting week of classes, softball, baseball, track and field and 3-minute talks.  I think today I'm going to kick back, and work on binding so I don't have to think too hard.  My brain is mush.




  1. Are you really sure about the Finessing The Figures thing??? It sounds a bit like the title of a Hot Yoga Class...which might scare some even more...for instance this figure, that has gone well beyond finessing!

  2. Hey Lynn - if anyone deserves to kick back, it's you! I am just blown away by all the work your class gals accomplish! Funny how quilting styles have changed - I too am an old school, traditional quilter - no half day quilts for this gal! And I say YES to the figures!

  3. Your work is a journey of beauty and I for appreciate all you do for us out here in blog land.

  4. There is no math for the quilter as you have done it all. If a quilter doesn't want to do the math, just tell a friend or relative the numbers and have them do the formula. It's too easy!

  5. Lynn - you are a lady after my heart as far as quilting goes. Again, I love Math and I agree with you on your desire to continue on with your teaching style. Math is so important in quilting and I am so happy to love it! Those who pass you by are really missing something special. NOW - if someone wants to talk about Science - forget me - LOL

  6. Lynn your quilts are absolutely gorgeous and your quilting is beyond that. I love the colors you use and the way you put blocks together. When you quilt your quilts, do you mind me asking what batting you use and also the thread that you quilt with?


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