Friday, April 22, 2016

Butterscotch Baskts Photo Shoot

 Hello Everyone,

Yesterday was photo shoot day for Butterscotch Baskets.  This beautiful shot was taken at the overlook at Calaveras Big Trees State Park, just three miles from the cabin.

Then we headed to Fly In lake which is just a mile from the cabin to get the next series of pictures.  It was early morning and there was dew on the grass along with a lot of goose droppings.  Mazey was in heaven, while we gingerly watched our step.  I think the lake was named Fly In because of the geese.  It is way too small for any planes to attempt a landing.

I love how this picture shows the detailed quilting by Diane.

This is my favorite image of the whole bunch....and I took over 100 pictures yesterday.  Right after I took this one, the wind blew the whole quilt and stand over flat on her face.  Luckily it stayed out of the the dried goose poop is another story.  This quilt is so heavy it would have sunk like a stone had it blown into the water.

This area is the little slice of heaven where we live part-time.  This is where the creative juices start flowing when I'm surrounded in such beauty.

A couple of years ago, my son, granddaughter and I swam out to the wooden rafts in the middle of the lake.  It was a crisp Autumn day and my goose bumps had goose bumps.  It was the last swim of the season. It was a true Autumn Landscape just as in the name of the fabric in this quilt, Autumn Landscape by Lynette Jensen for RJR Fabrics.  Kits will be available soon, so you too can make your little slice of heaven.  I'll keep you posted when they become available.



  1. This quilt is so beautiful! Did you make such beautiful pictures on this lovely lake! Well done Lynn! Cordial greetings from Poland

  2. This is a beautiful quilt and the Butterscotch is the perfect word for it.

  3. I think this is my favorite quilt that you've ever done. It's spectacular! Congratulations!

  4. I think that the first 2 photos were taken in light that was too bright. They don't show the range of colors that were so apparent in the indoor photos you posted previously and that show in the third photo.

  5. Oh Lynn! This quilt is just so beautiful and I love the pictures you took of it in such a gorgeous setting!! It really shows off the quilt so beautifully and just made me catch my breath! Wonderful job!!
    PS I'm also super impressed with that swim you made with your family in Fly In Lake!! It does look just a 'bit' on the chilly side :))

  6. I adore it! Its stunning! **sigh**

  7. Just gorgeous! What a wonderful place to take photos.

  8. Your photos are as amazing as the quilt! Your artistry shows. I am wondering how you hold the quilt up so that both top corners are straight, not falling down, and so high that the bottom is not on the ground. Thanks!
    aquiltersplayhouse at gmail dot com

  9. Очень красиво! Грандиозная работа!

  10. Sencillamente ¡¡preciosa!! Felicidades por un trabajo excepcional. Saludos.

  11. Sencillamente ¡¡preciosa!! Felicidades por un trabajo excepcional. Saludos.

  12. Can you adopt me???????????? Beautiful countryside. So pretty and all of the pictures are wonderful. This is my most favorite quilt and pattern! Lynn you have made a masterpiece with this one!

  13. I love this butterscotch basket quilt as well as the heritage quilt.... I hope I can make space in my stash cabinet so I can purchase both of these as kits when available... and then get to stitching them when winter arrives... simply beautiful quilts!


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