Monday, April 11, 2016

Knowing My Limits

Hello Everyone,
I do know the limits to my own capabilities, and sometimes I have to know when I can't possibly do another thing.  I made the decision to turn Butterscotch Baskets over to a professional machine quilter, Diane.  I'm so glad I did!  This is the first time I haven't quilted one of my own quilts since 2006! 
I told her to use her own judgment on how it should be quilted.  I trusted her completely, and she did a tremendous job on this quilt!. 

Diane knows me, and she knows what I like, and what kind of quilter I am.  She has great attention to detail. 

I love the density of the quilting and I know how long this takes. I appreciate the amount of time, patience, thought, and effort she put into my quilt.

As soon as I get the binding done of this quilt, I will take a picture of the whole enchilada.  I will stand proudly in front of this quilt at Spring Quilt Market in the Schoolhouse Session for RJR Fabrics and conduct my Schoolhouse to quilt shop owners and attendees.  This is the big time for me, and I feel like I'm graduating from the 'kids' table.  Teenage table maybe???

I have great respect for designers who fill an entire booth at Quilt Market with their new designs year after year.  I only had to make two quilts, and I feel like it's knocked me for a loop. I still have the patterns to work on, my Schoolhouse session presentation, and make sales flyers for each of them.  If I had to multiply this by a factor of 8 or10 quilts.........well, there wouldn't be enough midnight oil to burn and you would have to cart me away on a stretcher.

Last night we raised our glasses to the two quilts, Butterscotch Baskets and Heritage.  Now on to the next, and final phase of getting them, and me, ready for Market. 



  1. Congratulations on taking your quilts to Quilt Market. Your designs are worthy of such an honor. You put so much work and dedication in to your projects.

  2. I agree with Theresa - well deserved. You will knock them dead!

  3. Creativity on demand is a challenge in all forms of artistry. Keep breathing, Lynn! Your accomplishments and future are outshined only by your beautiful positive approach! Congratulations on your graduation ��

  4. That is a beautiful quilt....the quilting on it is exquisite.....Congrats on showing your quilts at spring market....

  5. Another beautiful quilt to add to your collection of great quilts, Lynn! Can't wait to see this one also....hopefully will be taking my Lil Orphan Scrappy to Diane. See you tomorrow.

  6. I think you've moved straight to the grown-up table and skipped the teenage one altogether. This is another beautiful quilt.

  7. Congratulations Lynn, this quilt is really beautiful and the quilting is at the very same level. You may be so proud of your work

  8. Congratulations Lynn, this quilt is really beautiful and the quilting is at the very same level. You may be so proud of your work

  9. Love the quilt and the quilting. Look forward to seeing it again in another post.

  10. She looks fabulous, Lynn! I would say you are way past teenager and even post-graduate! You should be so proud of what you've accomplished in such a short time - it would put most of us on the stretcher, not you!

  11. Congratulations Lynn !! I am so very Happy for you ! You SO deserve this :-D Your work is amazing as always .
    Really glad you decided to have someone else quilt this for you, she did a wonderful job

  12. Lynn...It is definitely a work to be proud of. Great team work too, between you and Diane! So glad it will end with your presenting your quilt at Market!!
    Any possibility of a new Wilder Family recipe for Butterscotch Enchiladas?????

  13. Quality... not quantity! :-) These 2 designs are gorgeous! Love Diane's quilting too!

  14. You'll have two of the prettiest quilts at the show. Butterscotch Baskets, I love the name, is beautiful. Have a wonderful time at market.

  15. You go Girl! Congratulations! I understand how hard it is to be working with deadlines - just not fun. I bet that wine tasted great! And I felt relaxation when I finished Block One of CWB! Absolutely no comparison. Quilting on both quilts is fabulous.


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