Saturday, April 9, 2016

Bear Bells

Hello Everyone,
Many of you expressed concern about me walking in the woods with the bears.  Sue, in New Mexico suggested that we purchase bear bells for Mazey.  She said the downside would be that we would sound like a Swiss goat herd.
That got me thinking.  When we went to Switzerland, we bought a cowbell. To get it home safely without causing too much noise, I packed it in my carry-on with a sock wrapped around the clapper.  We have it at the cabin and use it as our dinner bell when the kids are around.  

Voila!  Mazey has a bear bell!  We have changed her name to Heidi, and she is my Swiss, early warning bear dog.  She needs a little work on her yodeling.

Mazey is saying, "But wait Mom, this is getting a little heavy and the clanging hurts my ears."

I guess this just isn't going to work.

Two more pictures of Heritage.  The binding is finished!  Now it's time for the hanging sleeve and label.

I'm off to the shop this morning to teach Patchwork Math to a full class.  Since many quilters are turned off by the "M" word M-A-T-H.  I've renamed the class Finessing the Figures.  I wish I could finesse my own figure as easily as I can finesse quilting figures.  I'll have to work on that one, and I don't think a calculator is going to do the trick.



  1. Your quilt is beautiful... take care, both you and your friendly warning system.

  2. Doesn't Heritage look wonderful with the quilt on the wall that I'm still in love with!
    Mazey, your Mama is so lucky to have such a patient girl! She owes you a nice big chewy treat!
    Sleigh Bells might work better and then we could put little antlers on your head and a sparkly red nose!
    ...I know...Auntie owes you a treat now too!

  3. Oh Lynn you made my morning, I laughed all through your post - esp. the part about finessing your figure. If you could teach us how to manage that, you'd make a million!

    I love your Heritage quilt. Its gorgeous! And speaking of finess, your quilting is incredible. I also love the double 9-patch hanging behind the bed, and... what a cool headboard! What a beautiful vignette.

  4. I don't think Mazey enjoys that bell - you can wear it Mom. Heritage is stunning.

  5. OK - should I send you my address now so you can send me the quilt? LOL. I am one of those rare ducks - I love M-A-T-H! Humm Beautiful work.
    Poor Mazey...

  6. What a good girl Mazey is!! From what I have heard bear bells don't have much effect on bears. I am not sure about Swiss cow bells though. :). Heritage looks so wonderful on your bed!

  7. Heritage looks excellent with your trees in the background; hope the book photos can be as beautiful!

  8. I think Mazey's saying "well if you think it's such a good idea, you can wear it". As a kid Heidi was my favourite book, and I even had a doll I called Heidi too.

  9. Your quilt is AMAZING!! Love it! We tried a bear bell but it fell off and got lost in the woods...thank goodness! Destroyed our peace and quiet!! Now I carry bear spray and a walking stick...(at least it makes me feel safer...)

  10. Happy Birthday Mazey and tell mom she can wear the bell! Actually, I love your idea of the air horn - just make sure Mr. Joe wears his ear plugs to bed! Heritage turned out even more beautiful than I had imagined, Lynn! I think you'd better get that binding hand turned into a cutting hand because you're gonna be cutting a lot of BOM's for it!

  11. Hi Lynn, I think I have now seen the prettiest quilt ever on the whole planet! Heritage is simply stunning - I LOVE everything about it. Wish I was going to be at Spring Market to see it. We just can't make it this year . . . but we are always at Fall Market -- any chance you will take it to Houston? I've been so busy and haven't had time to read any blogs so I didn't know what you have been up to. . . lots of good things, I see! Best wishes for a fabulous Market! Julie Love


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