Thursday, April 7, 2016

Miles of Binding

Hello Everyone,
Last night after finishing two sides of the binding, I tossed Heritage on the bed to get a good look at it in different light.  Why is it the phone takes a better picture than my 'real' camera?

It seemed as though I would never get all of the binding sewn on the quilt.  Now for the hand stitching.  I actually love to work on the binding.  It is very relaxing and gives me a sense of completion.

I guess I'm going to have to make another Heritage.  One for traveling to shows and quilt shops and one for home.  Mr. Joe likes this one a lot.  The 'logs' in the quilt match the logs at the cabin. 

Two sides of the binding are done.  I know I have to quit when the muscle in my arm starts to burn.  It was on fire last night.

Thank you all for your wonderful comments on my post yesterday.  I will try to send all of you a personal thank you email today.  Susie H. you leave the nicest comments but I can't get in touch with you since I don't have your email.  Please contact me at so I can thank you for all of your wonderful comments.  That goes for everyone out there in blogland who is a "no-reply" status. 
Today I'm going to bind for an hour and write the pattern for an hour....repeat, repeat, repeat. Then maybe my arm won't fall off! In between my binding and computer work, I'll take Mazey for a walk in the woods.  Mr. Joe knows that I won't use the $50 can of bear spray that he bought me. His latest plan is to buy me an air horn for Mother's Day to take with me on my walks. Don't you think I should use the air horn around 3am in Mr. Joe's ear?  Now that would get his old adrenalin pumping! Anyone want to go for a walk with Mazey and me today?


  1. BEAUTIFUL!! Careful - bears are really grumpy this time of the year.

  2. If I was there I sure would go for a walk with you and Mazey. One suggestion though. Test out that air horn around our precious Mazey. If you use it on the path you may never seen her again. :-))

    1. If I test it on Mr. Joe, does that mean I'll never see him again too?

  3. Heritage is absolutely gorgeous, Lynn! The back is beautiful, too! It really shows off your stunning machine quilting! Enjoyed the photos of Mazey yesterday. She is one cute little girl! Be sure and bring Heritage to class on Tuesday. Can't wait to see it in person!

  4. It is just stunning!!! You better take that bear spray with you till you get your airhorn!!! We know that Mazey could outrun a bear, but you? Let's just be realistic!! :-) Not trying to put you down, but I know that I couldn't out run one either!! They say they can get up to 40 mph in a short spurt! We just want our precious Lynn around for alot longer!! Love you, your friend, H

  5. Breathtaking ! Lions and Tigers and Bears ? Oh My ! I am not so sure I would want to walk that path as much as I would love to walk next to such an incredible quilter ! Can't wait for the pattern! Love your website! Have been watching Mazey grow...she is so adorable.

  6. Your quilt is simply beautiful and the quilting really adds to it.

  7. When walking in the woods with Mazey, put bear bells on her. We always put a couple on our golden Toby. Bear bells are at REI. You can also make them out of medium size sleigh bells and put something through them to hold them to Mazey's collar. We first learned of bear bells while hiking in Glacier NP.

    As to the quilt, I am in awe. I really don't know how you do it all. And, I am with Mr. Joe. You need to keep one for him.

  8. I forgot to mention, bear bells let bears and other critters know you are coming. Granted, you may sound like a Swiss goat herd, but hopefully the bears hear the bells and get out of the way.

  9. I like the idea of bear bells...maybe we should get some for HRH Sue!

  10. I'll walk with you - as long as you promise me no bears. xx

  11. Oh my gosh, this is beautiful! It changes look with the lighting and the angle from which the photo is taken. Can't wait to see it published.

  12. Hi Lynn! I have been getting caught up on your blog posts today. Wow! I do not know where to start on this quilt. From design to fabric choices to quilting, it is just stunning!! I see you have a pattern now for Lil' Orphan Scrappy, I will be getting that one.

  13. Absolutely love this quilt! From the design, to the fabrics to all the details in the quilting! I'd want multiples made of this one too! :-)

  14. I know I've said it anytime you post any part of this quilt - but I just LOVE it! Just perfect - log cabin are in my top 5 favorite blocks, and the colors are yummy and inviting. Now bears on the other hand? Not inviting! That would be a good reason for me to NOT go on a walk! Yikes!!

  15. I want that quilt!!!!! Beautiful Lynn!
    I have to wear a brace on my left hand now because of the intense applique I have been doing. They are great braces - bowling braces and they take the pain away while sewing. I have carpal tunnel (a return thank you) and it can radiate all the way to the neck. It can slow me down, but if I wear the braces I can at least sew without pain! Get that air horn going for the bears! LOL. Again, beautiful work on that quilt the Quilting is exceptional!

  16. Absolutely stunning, I love this. My husband just bought me a sewing machine for christmas, I want wait to start sewing. I dont have a clue what I'm doing , but I can't wait to learn. You are very talented. Thanks for sharing your work..

  17. Your pic was stolen by Maria Clara and posted on Facebook group Quilting Free Patterns to click bait.[0]=AZWu1RSPZvX3fuAbuHxEaQH_rpRSfmFc5VoxI2JK2rYEeJFvoy-H5RHkDBoaV5ag8AZt72PdBsYBjXroOPHJAC0oZD_24B6QD-zZRs5O1UuniychSO5wHRwK-P-UqX9Ths6yhqJay3qokpN8M3QGf1FHVXSBIK-HGyjw58O92lpGzgvVTyk6w7aedp2IVMwoklXCCWtRWRO2AqZOhJcuPplwYmqhOL2EJcadFaRPdpiK57b76T7MBunVFY80p3MSQe6ZLqyx9oSU8pngP6v00KnS&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know about this. I reported the post to the admin of the group, and made a comment on her post.

  18. This a GORGEOUS Quilt!!! You've done such Beautiful work 💕 Be careful walking in your beautiful woods 🌲🌲🌳🌳 I would love to take a walk with you 😊 when you write out your pattern, please let me know..I would love to purchase 😀

  19. I love the colors in your quilt, stunning. I saved it on Pinterest. Where might I get the pattern? Is that also trapunto in it?? You are very talented.

  20. Beautiful quilt! Will definitely purchase the pattern when available. Mine will never be as lovely as yours, but I will enjoy the creating.


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