Saturday, April 23, 2016

Heritage Photo Shoot

Hello Everyone,
Day two of pictures from the photo shoot.  This time, Heritage takes center stage.
All of the following pictures were taken at Calaveras Big Trees State Park in Northern California. Just so you have some perspective on how large this tree is, the quilt measures 93" x 93".  No, the quilt is not levitating.  It is on a quilt stand, and through the power of the "retouch" button on my photo software, I can eliminate the stand.  The tricky part is getting the stand level in terrain that is anything but level.

There are many huge trees that have toppled over throughout the centuries.  You can see what's left of the root system from this tree.  While we were in the park, there was a crew from the California Department of Forestry felling diseased trees.  We heard life end for three trees on Thursday.  Sad but necessary.  We heard and felt the "timber".  It certainly rattled Mazey.

Please keep in mind that Mr. Joe and I are not professional photographers.  We take whatever lighting nature and the Almighty Lighting Director provides. We try to find interesting backdrops to showcase the quilt as well as the surroundings.

Another massive stump covered in moss.  This tree was taken down by man for profit.....criminal if you ask me.

This quilt is made totally from Macie's Journal fabrics by Judie Rothermel for Marcus Fabrics.

We will be kitting this quilt at In Between Stitches in the identical fabrics.  I will be teaching the Heritage class on Saturday, June 11th.

There was a bit of snow off in the distance.  I'm sure after the storm yesterday, the mountains are now covered with snow.  We drove back to the city in a torrential rainstorm.  What a difference a day makes when it comes to the weather.

I'm off to Cloth & Quilts in Turlock today to teach Grammy Squares.  I'm sure I will come home with some great pictures to show you.



  1. WOW!! She is magnificent...and so is the scenery!! The perfect combo!

    1. This quilt is beautiful. What size is it? And do you have a pattern for this. My email is Thank you

  2. A magical quilt set in a magical place - couldn't ask for better. Seeing this in all it's glory - I must make another one.

  3. Beautiful quilt, Lynn! Great photo shoot with fantastic scenery....can't wait to get my quilt kit and start this one. I've really enjoyed making your quilt patterns....and this one won't be any different! Love the colors in the Heritage quilt.....

  4. Beautiful! Is this pattern available?

  5. This one has a really Nordic feel to my eye - like a favourite comfy sweater. Beautiful shots.

  6. Simply beautiful! I am so in love with this quilt and can't wait for the pattern and fabrics. You are so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing creations of nature. Thank you for sharing a little bit of it. Rina

  7. You've done it again!! I thought Butterscotch Baskets were in my near future (actually, it sill might be) but when I saw Heritage I was head over heels in love!!! This is one of the most beautiful quilts I've ever seen and I just love the setting you used to take pictures. Beautiful quilt!!

  8. P.S. How do you find time to sleep???

  9. Wow!!! Gorgeous shots, especially showing off your fabulous quilting! Well done plus you both got in some outdoor zen time!

  10. GORGEOUS !!! Your photos really picked up the beauty of this AMAZING quilting Lynn! See you Saturday ;-)

  11. Fabulous quilt and fabulous pictures!

  12. That quilt is just a work of art!! Lynn, you have a definite artistic eye and sure have developed a wonderful ability to create such beautiful quilts!! Love the pictures of it taken in the big trees too! Have a wonderful week!! Hugs, H

  13. Absolutely beautiful! And how lucky that you have such a beautiful place for a photo shoot.


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