Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Heritage is Quilted

Hello Everyone,
It is always such a good feeling to get the last row quilted.  Then the excitement builds in anticipation of the big revel to see the entire quilt instead of only 16" at one time while it's on the machine.

Crosshatching, swirls, paisleys, is all done.

All of the fabrics used are from the Macie's Journal by Judie Rothermel.  I'll be busy making kits for this beauty at In Between Stitches.  If you are interested in reserving one, contact the shop.  The fabrics will arrive this month.

Now to that 93" of binding on each side.  I have a feeling I'll be taking my Aleve to calm down the pain in my arm until I take the last stitch.

Having finished the machine quilting, I get to put a big CHECK on my to-do list.  This quilt is almost ready for Spring Quilt Market in Salt Lake City.  Heritage will be on display in the Marcus Fabric booth.   Now to the pattern writing.  I have to make some sense out of my cryptic notes.  Wish me luck with that!

On another note, this little puff ball had a birthday this week.

Mazey is now in the terrible 2's......or is she 14?  Whatever her age, we love her to pieces.  She is the busiest dog we've had in our family.  Or, maybe since we are older now, she seems very busy.  Every afternoon she stands at the laundry room door, willing her leash to appear.  Once the leash comes out, she starts jumping for joy and heads to the front door.  Yesterday, she played in the dog park and had playtime with her cousin Copper, our son's Belgian Malamute. It was so warm, the "kids" decided to go swimming.  By evening, she was worn out.

Mazey's breeder sent me this picture of Mazey with her brothers and sisters.  Mazey is the tiny one on the left.  She was so small when she was born, the breeder had to make the decision whether or not to put her down.  She had such a will to live, the breeder bottle fed her and she started to thrive.  She now has a wonderful life, and she is a big part of our forever family.

Whatever you decide to do this week......thrive.  Never give up, finish what you started and start today!  Don't spend forever deciding what to do.  Make a decision and go for it.  The roads are littered with thousands of squirrels who couldn't make a decision. Don't be THAT squirrel.




  1. Oh Lynn..I've been so looking forward to seeing Heritage quilted and it was more than worth the wait. Descriptive words fail me.
    Thank you for sharing Mazey's story. So glad her breeder had the patience of a quilter. She's one special member of your family!

  2. Wow - your quilt looks just fantastic! And what a story about cute little Mazey - can you imagine if the breeder had taken the lazy way out? Don't be THAT squirrel - so true! Make a decision already!

  3. Beautiful quilt, Lynn! The quilting is wonderful...can't wait to see it in person. Also, can't wait to get my own pattern and fabric to make this beauty! Love Mazey's story. Our fur friends are a definate part of our families. See you next week.

  4. Oh my gosh - your quilting is just so darn gorgeous and the quilt has turned beautifully!! I'm with Jeanne and I can't wait to get the pattern and fabrics too! Also, a giant Happy Birthday to Mazey!! What a little cutie pie as a baby and what a beautiful 'young lady' she has become!!

  5. Your little Mazey is beautiful and such a nice story! Heritage is beyond expectations!! Amazingly beautiful! I think I will be sending the squirrel analogy to my's perfect! haha

  6. WOW! Your quilt is beautiful and the quilting is just over the top. So glad the breeder took extra time with Mazey--she looks like she is happy and brings joy to your home each and every day

  7. I don't know where to start ... so I guess I'll go in blog-order. Your quilt & quilting are absolutely beautiful! Your Mazey is also absolutely beautiful! The squirrel analogy at the end was HYSTERICAL!!! I literally laughed out loud!!!

  8. Heritage is gorgeous! I just love this setting.

  9. Heritage is GORGEOUS and HUGE my dear! LOVE IT TO PIECES!
    Now, about our photogenic little blonde model! Just last night, husband inquires, "I haven't heard anything about Mazey lately, how is she?", and I turned my tablet around and showed him the photo of her sitting on Zinnie's Choice that I had just been gazing at unbeknownst to him! Weird coincidence, now followed by another! I don't think it occurred to me before today, that Mazey & I share the same birthday week! The new photo of her all grown up is gorgeous, it looks like a painting! No one would ever believe that sweet little angelic face is that of a total "Party Girl"!

  10. Love Heritage, stunning, congrats on a beautiful finish. The squirrel analogy at the end was fun and inspiring ...trying so hard not to be like that squirrel..

  11. The quilting you did is gorgeous you did a fantastic job. I love the fabrics you used.

  12. What a work of art! The quilting, as always, is absolutely stunning! Congratulations!!!

  13. I can't wait for our fabric to come! We are going to make kits as soon as the pattern is ready! Happy birthday mazey

  14. I can't wait for our fabric to come! We are going to make kits as soon as the pattern is ready! Happy birthday mazey

  15. Your quilt is just stunning!! You are certainly a talented lady!! What kind of batting do you use? And hug Mazey for me: so glad she is a part of your family!! Hugs, H

  16. What a beautiful job! Both quilt and quilting are gorgeous. Congratulations Lynn, I really love Heritage quilt.

  17. Such a beautiful quilt Lynn. The quilting is stunning!

  18. Both Heritage and Mazey are stunning. Looking forward to meeting them both. xx

  19. You know... with this gorgeous quilt and this adorable puppy... I'm totally taken with the "don't be a squirrel" quote! :-) That's the perfect motivator!

  20. What a masterpiece - love the colors - love the pattern and the quilt! Happy Birthday Mazey!


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