Friday, March 11, 2022

Pieceful Gathering Quilt Shop

 Hello Everyone,

I'm here just outside of Chicago in Fox River Grove at the Pieceful Gathering Quilt Shop.  This is a must-see destination quilt shop.

Here I am with Carrie and Katie, two familiar faces from the FaceBook live every other Thursday which they have been filming in front of my quilt.

The items you see on the "live" show are even more impressive in person.  Quite a bit of wool is coming home in my suitcase!  I've admired wool applique for years.  After seeing all of the projects, the creative juices started flowing.

There is something delightful to see in every nook and cranny of the shop.

We also went to another shop which I will showcase on my next post.

Carrie has been our companion and picked Gail and me up at the airport Wednesday night.  She drove us all around yesterday and we had a delicious brunch with Carrie and Katie.

Several of our friends arrived from Nevada, Michigan and Tennessee last night.  We are getting together for breakfast this morning.  After breakfast, we will help Carrie and Katie get set up for the retreat.  The fun begins with the quilters setting up at 3pm, then a dinner tonight, followed by my trunk show.

I'll try to post throughout the retreat.

It's time for breakfast, so Gail and I are off to meet our friends.



  1. What great friends and fantastic quilt shop! I couldn't be happier for you and Gail! Hughs to you all, and I hope you brought some snow boots!

  2. Lynn and Gail, have a wonderful time. Awaiting more pictures

  3. Oh My gosh girls. This shop is darling. I love the fabrics, the displays, and of course the wool. You know Lynn those wool houses caught my eye. Enjoy yourselves. Stay warm. Certainly, makes me want to take a road trip. I so enjoy those young ladies on FB. They are a hoot, and you can tell love what they do.

  4. Ooo, this looks like a wonderful shop! I've watched their FB Live broadcasts and been tempted many times. It's so nice you get to travel with Gail to these great shops and events. Have fun ... I can't wait to see what your wool ideas might become!!

  5. It was so wonderful to visit the shop and spend time with you, Lynn & Gail!


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