Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Nostalgic Pillow Class is in Session

Hello Everyone,
Yesterday was the final session of my Nostalgic Christmas pillow class at In Between Stitches.  Kaye finished her pillow!  Two of her family members think she is making it for them, but this one is a keeper for Kaye.  

Barbara G. had an extremely productive day and took her three pillows from parts and pieces to almost finished.  Here's pillow #1 at the beginning of class.

Here is the same pillow by the end of class.

Pillow #2....

Pillow #3.

Barbara O was new to the group and finished the day well on her way to a cute pillow for Christmas.  She mastered the double flying geese method that I show in my Virtual Classroom tab at the top of the blog.

Last night, Mr. Joe and I had the honor of attending our grandsons Kindergarten Christmas program at his school.  My heart ached for the little 5 and 6 year-olds that won't be singing this year.  Their voices were taken away too soon.  Give everyone an extra hug today.

Love and hugs,


  1. These pillows are so great.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  2. Love all the pillows, a very festive post. Thank you, and to your students for sharing, we all need some Christmas Cheer!

  3. I just love seeing all the different versions of your pillow design, Lynn! Each one is unique and wonderful!

  4. I just love them all! Hope to get back to mine over the holidays...really enjoyed seeing everyone's versions! Thank you for the show!

  5. Thanks always :)



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