Monday, September 27, 2021

Let The Fun Begin!

 Hello Everyone,

Yesterday, the quilters migrated north to Snowflake Lodge in Arnold, CA for the beginning of my second Sew'n Wild Oaks Retreat of the year.

Many of the girls will walk around Snowflake Lake when they decide to take a quilting break.  As an added bonus, I provide the bear bells!

Set up began between 2-4 yesterday afternoon.  Many of the girls cranked up their machines, and the quilting began.

I have a little store available for some retail therapy.  Many thanks to Julie and Debbie for helping out with the set-up.  It takes a village to pull a successful retreat together.

At 6 o'clock, we gathered at my cabin for an appetizer dinner.  This group outdid themselves, and added a whole new meaning to the word delicious!

Appetizers were on one table, and desserts on another.

It was a beautiful early Fall evening out on the decks to enjoy a wonderful meal and conversation.  I found myself sitting back, and thoroughly enjoying the bursts of laughter.

New friendships began.

Here I am with my friend Bettie.  Our mothers started the first playschool in Paradise, California in the 1950's.  Bettie and I go waaaaaayyyyy back.  In fact, I learned how to ride a bicycle at her house.  At the time, there weren't many sidewalks in Paradise, so I learned how to coast her bicycle down her street.  I thought I was so daring!

Old friendships will be renewed and new friendships will blossom this week.  I have a feeling in my bones this group is going to be a great one!




  1. Morning to all. Wish I was there. Have a great retreat!

  2. that is a beautiful setting for a retreat! looks very relaxig

  3. What a great location for your retreat! I'm off to retreat on Wednesday with a group of girls from all over the eastern half of the US. We've been doing this since 2010 or 2011, can't remember exactly, sometimes twice a year. Thankfully no bear bells required at the lake. Hope you all have a wonderful time.

  4. Have a great time girls. And how fun a childhood friend is there with you. I can feel the fun and laughter.

  5. There is a certain warmth to your retreats that is so wonderful Lynn; lucky the gals who make the trip to enjoy all the fun. Have a great time!

  6. So many happy faces!! I hope you all have the best of times this week!!!! Happy quilting & sharing!!!

  7. Oh, so much fun! Have a wonderful time. Although you're the hostess of the retreat, I'm sure your creative juices will be inspired by all the laughter & projects going on this week.


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