Monday, November 26, 2012

Back in Blogland

Hello Everyone,
I'm back to blogging now that the Thanksgiving holiday is over.  I hope all of you had a wonderful time with family and friends.  We did!
I actually managed to squeeze in a little bit of quilting time yesterday.  At the cabin, my sister Gail, put some color combinations together for me. 

Unlike most people fairly new to quilting, Gail loves, LOVES to select fabrics for her blocks, and mine.  I handed over the basket of fabrics and she went to town!

She put ten beautiful combinations together for me while I cut out the pieces for the blocks.  When we got home from the cabin yesterday, and all of the company went home, I stitched the final 14 blocks together during the football game.

The blocks I finished yesterday are the final 14 blocks for Butterscotch Baskets.


My goal for the week is to finish the remaining basket blocks, and setting pinwheels, then sew this quilt top together.  Now the borders are going to take some time!  This has all the makings of a busy week.  Fun......but busy.


  1. NOW that's what I call TEAM WORK!! What a combination...beautiful!!

  2. Looking good...can't wait to see this quilt finished.....

  3. Fabulous! As usual!

    Cheery wave!

  4. Woohoo! You're getting there! This is just so gorgeous. :)

  5. I'm loving how this quilt is coming together!

  6. You are making GREAT progress ! Your sister has a real eye for fabrics :-D

  7. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, Lynn! Now -- when Gail is done there, can I "borrow" her? You two work wonderfully together! I just love how this quilt is coming together!

  8. now that is the way to work together. looking good.

  9. Oh wow! how this quilt is coming along.
    Love the colours. You and your sister make a great team, working together.
    Julia ♥

  10. I love the setting for your quilt. It's different than anything I've ever seen.

  11. Both sets of blocks are gorgeous!


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